Support the TPL Foundation’s Matching Campaign and your gift will be DOUBLED.

Libraries matter, now more than ever.

We live in one of Canada’s wealthiest and fastest-growing cities, yet not all residents have equal access to opportunities that are critical to empowering them to succeed and thrive in our city.

Donations help Toronto Public Library remove barriers and connect all Torontonians to the free library information and the resources they need for:

  • Education
  • Employment
  • Lifelong learning
  • Culture and entertainment

When you give to our Matching Campaign before July 31st, we’ll immediately DOUBLE YOUR DONATION and direct it to Toronto Public Library’s highest priority needs. Thank you!

Donations matched up to $25,000

Yes, I want to support TPL

How your donation makes a difference.

Funding helps some of our city’s most vulnerable, including teens and younger adults, who benefit from donor-supported initiatives during the pandemic, and beyond.

Youth Hubs
When branches are open, Youth Hubs are safe and welcoming spaces where teens can drop in to study, access free technology, find homework help and interact with their peers.
Career Coaching in Residence
The CCIR program assists younger adults navigate the current job market by providing free access to employment guidance and workforce skills development via virtual one-on-one counseling and workshops.
Internet Connectivity Kits
The Library offers free laptops, Wi-Fi Hotspots, and data plans to low-income families so students like Stella (above) can access online classes and stay connected to friends and family.
Eliminating Library Fines
Among teens and adults whose library cards are typically blocked, preventing them from taking out materials or using TPL computers, 57% are from high poverty areas. Donations help eliminate teen and adult library fines.

Toronto Public Library is focused on equity and access – for everyone in our city.

Double my Donation!